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Image of one person giving many cans inside a half open box which has donations written on it to another person

What are the benefits of donating items?

It takes a moment’s thought to start a movement. When we resolve to do our duty we can move mountains to pave the way. Nothing is unachievable when we have pure intentions and a zeal to stand by those who are unfortunate.

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What are the best food donations?

Around the world, there have been times when countries have experienced food shortages and the need for food distribution. Most certainly there was a drive for monetary contributions to organizing meals and food campaigns, but there was yet another unique concept.

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Many carry bags with Donation written on it placed on a table with many food items and water bottles
4 people holding hands in a circle and donation written on a paper at the center

Donate food for student education

Young children from poor and financially weak families are enrolled in educational programs under government schools and private charitable trusts.

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What are the benefits of donating?

Are you looking for getting information about the benefits of donating? Here, we will explore the benefits of giving donations and how your contributions can make a difference.

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A group of smiling healthy people holding the banner which reads charity
a person handing food to another hungry person

How can food donation help world hunger?

We live in a world where every day, at least 700 million people suffer from hunger while we throw away 1.3 billion tons of food. And the pandemic has added to the pain. People are consuming only one-third of the food that we produce.

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Five Reasons You Should Donate Food

All of us are living in a world where technology, arts, and science have progressed at lightning speed. The world now has the power of technology to produce enough food that can feed the entire global population.

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Benefits of donation
an unwavering commitment towards a hunger free nation

An unwavering commitment towards a hunger-free nation

The sudden increase in the COVID cases has led to the nation's healthcare system at the acute condition. However this time wave two was different. There has been a lack of hospital beds, a major lack of oxygen and entirely no medicines.

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Feeding the Needy with a vision of a hunger-free nation

It is interesting to find a major portion of people around the world are struggling to win a day’s bread despite of abundant resources that can fill millions of empty stomachs. Telangana is no less in terms of the starving underprivileged section.

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Feeding the Needy with a vision of a hunger-free nation
Unlocking the need of Food during the Lockdown - COVID Wave 1

Unlocking the need of Food during the Lockdown - COVID Wave 1 

Hare Krishna Charities has always taken millions of involuntary steps to provide free food especially during the times of crisis and distress. Operating under the humble Hare Krishna Movement Charitable Foundation (HKMCF) Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, the organisation has been constantly active in offering social services in the state.

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