HKC refund and cancellation policy
Thank you for donating to Hare Krishna Charities.
In case, you’re not satisfied with your contribution, you’re welcome to get a refund. We would like you to review our Refund Policy, beforehand.
Refund Policy
- Donations will be refunded if the transaction took place in the last 2 days.
- Transaction charges, as per the payment gateway, will be deducted.
- Accidental donors are eligible for a refund, after the deduction of transaction charges.
- Donations made for any specific cause are not eligible for a refund. For example, if you have donated for Swasthya Ahara for a date within 2 days period, the donation/s will not be refunded.
- we will respond within 7 working days from the date of receiving the complaint from donor and we will refund with in 7 to 14 Working days
The following Donations cannot be refunded:
- When a refund is claimed after 2 days of making a donation.
- Recurring donations cannot be refunded from our end. Thus, you need to cancel the transaction via the selected payment method.
We reserve the right to decline any refund that does not meet the above conditions at our sole prudence.
Contact us:
If you have any questions regarding our Refund Policy, please contact us:
Phone: +91 9133062266